• A bit of catching up to do
  • Lodged your return yet?
  • Looking for a good financial advisor?

A bit of catching up to do

Well haven’t the past couple of months flown by so quickly?

This tax season has been hectic, what with ATO portal issues, tax changes and everything else happening on the tax front.

Lodged your return yet ?

Its not too late and while some people & companies have extended lodgement dates its probably a good idea to get it out of the way. The reason for this is – if there is a debt, you will have a few months ‘notice’ before the return has to be lodged to prepare / save and plan. The other reason is, if you are due a refund – wouldn’t you want that refund sooner rather than later? Call me now and we can get started on it

Looking for a good financial advisor?

bennetts tax & bas service has developed a business relationship with Nick Lucey from NEST Advisory. Nick has provided me with some useful hints and tips. I will include in each newsletter. Self-Manged Super Funds are the topic of the year – Heres a question to ask yourself:

Is a SMSF right for me?

 A SMSF is great for providing more freedom and control in how your superannuation is invested. One of the popular reasons to start a SMSF is to buy property, which can accumulate over the long term and be sold tax free down the track, or provide tax free rental income in retirement. By pooling funds from yourself and your spouse, a SMSF can be a good way to reduce your total costs of superannuation while providing the flexibility you like.



For further info, contact Nick 0401 474 475 or  (02) 6169 4102

Tell him ‘bennetts sent you’’ 😊

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Contact Us: | Mobile:  0421 074 952,  Suite 15, 11 McKay Gardens Turner ACT 2612

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