• Prefill info for returns
  • Reminder re mobile phone and internet deductions
  • Defence personnel
  • Where’s my Notice of Assessment?
  • Spread the word


Hello to everyone! And welcome to our newest subscribers. As you know we usually send out our monthly newsletter, …well monthly.

Please excuse my combined month’s issue of the newsletter. With tax time with returns to lodge and refunds to organise my time has been very limited.

It has been wonderful to catch up with clients who I haven’t seen since last tax time. This is the highlight of the ‘season’ for me.

Prefill info If you haven’t already prepared your return and may be concerned re not having all your paperwork, most data is at ATO by mid-August anyway and available for me to download

Mobile phone internet deductions – I mentioned in a previous newsletter the ATO had revised their mobile phone / internet claim calculations. In the past, we worked out a percentage of use and used this to claim a deduction. Now the ATO want you to obtain a paper bill that may list numbers dialled etc. and highlight those that are work related. If not, keep a diary of calls made and internet used.

Yes, it is painful ways of doing things, however until ATO come to terms with billing limitations we will have to do our best. I would

Defence personnel– Are you eligible for Zone allowance rebate? Have you been claiming for ALL of your work related deductions? Ensure you keep your receipts for those extra items you require.

Where’s my Notice of Assessment? – Please note, if you have registered with MYGov and have not yet received your Notice of Assessment via bennetts tax & bas service -the chances are your MyGov account is linked to your ATO account and any correspondence, including Notices of Assessment from the ATO will appear in your MyGov inbox. If your NoA is still not in your MyGov inbox – send me an email and I will organise a copy to be emailed to you.

Spread the word – Feel free to share our newsletter with friends – particularly if you feel the info contained within may be useful to others. Alternatively, anyone can sign up via the website at

  •  Book now for your appointment to have your return prepared OR email me your information for prompt processing

Till next month with more news and tax tips!

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Contact Us: | Mobile:  0421 074 952,  Suite 15, 11 McKay Gardens Turner ACT 2612

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